A 10-Step Learning Path to Become a Hirable Software Engineer
A few years ago, after six years of working at business positions in the tech industry, I decided to make a career switch to become a software engineer full-time. I made the choice to follow a self-teaching journey as I already had the academic background, having originally graduated from a master’s degree as an engineer. So all I needed was to ramp up on the latest technologies to learn how applications are built, front to back, in this modern age. But since so much had changed after all these years, I had to start all over from scratch.
To my amazement, I found a tremendous amount of highly qualitative resources online. Some were free, some were available for around 10 to $15, and some were more expensive. And as I was getting the same question each time when talking about my switch, people being curious about what it takes to learn to code by yourself, where to start, what path to follow, what methods to apply, and so on, I decided I’d write a post on it.
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